Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Serious Formula Mastery

If you were to ask me what my strength in Excel would be I would say VBA. I do formulas well, but not great.

If you want to see true Formula magic head over to the Get Digital Help blog and partake in the mastery of the Formula.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Project Euler

I came across Project Euler about a year ago, but didn't have the time then to really get into it. After reading a blog post recently that talked about it I decided to take a look at some of the problems.

There are currently 252 problems available to work on. They have been developed by volunteers and site members to test logic and math reasoning. Many programmers use these problems as exercises. I signed up and gave the first problem a try.

In the spirit of the project I won't reveal any answers but I'll try to post here some things I learn along the way.

Monday, August 3, 2009


So, I’ve inserted a row in Excel under another row that has colored cells and data validation. Then I select to clear formatting. Why does it clear the formatting and not the data validation? I know data validation is not formatting (the ribbon tabs make that very clear), but why would I want to clear one and not the other? Why doesn’t it give an option to clear both? What if I wanted to clear validation but not formatting? No luck for me…